Description: The Sewer Master Plan represents the designation of sewer availability as defined through the utility master plan process. This process is guided by the Baltimore County Zoning Regulations.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: Baltimore County, Maryland Department of Public Works
Description: This feature class represents the petitioned sewer master plan areas that have been introduced in previous years through cycle amendments within Baltimore County. Unlike the SHisMasterPlan feature class, this feature class does not distinguish between different cycle amendment petitions and only reflects the most current sewer master plan designation.The sewer master plan geodatabase includes a feature data set (sewerMasterPlan) containing three feature classes: SCurMasterPlan, sewerCombined and SHisMasterPlan. The feature classes participate in a topology (tsewerMasterPlan). The SCurMasterPlan feature class represents the petitions for the current cycle. The sewerCombined represents the current master plan designation within the county. The SHisMasterPlan contains all of the petitions areas from all cycles. The geodatabase includes relationship classes that associate related table containing information on assessments, councilmanic districts, election districts, lineage (feature level metadata), plan map, recommendations and zoning designations.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: Baltimore County, Maryland Department of Public Works
Description: This feature class represents the petitioned sewer master plan areas that have been introduced in previous years through cycle amendments within Baltimore County. All information was gathered from petition and approval documentation, with the property boundaries given on source maps used to compile geographic features from existing digital cadastral data. These features contain spatial data representing the boundaries of petitioned and effective master plans areas, as well as information about the effective date, cycle amendment numbers, associated properties, zoning designations, councilmanic and election districts, feature lineage, location within the BCMD and Urban Rural Demarcation Line (URDL), and links to digital source documentation.The sewer master plan geodatabase includes a feature data set (sewerMasterPlan) containing three feature classes: SCurMasterPlan, sewerCombined and SHisMasterPlan. The feature classes participate in a topology (tsewerMasterPlan). The SCurMasterPlan feature class represents the petitions for the current cycle. The sewerCombined represents the current master plan designation within the county. The SHisMasterPlan contains all of the petitions areas from all cycles. The geodatabase includes relationship classes that associate related table containing information on assessments, councilmanic districts, election districts, lineage (feature level metadata), plan map, recommendations and zoning designations.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: Baltimore County, Maryland Department of Public Works
Description: The Water Master Plan represents the designation of water availability as defined through the utility master plan process. This process is guided by the Baltimore County Zoning Regulations.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: Baltimore County, Maryland Department of Public Works
Description: This feature class represents the petitioned water master plan areas that have been introduced in previous years through cycle amendments within Baltimore County. Unlike the WHisMasterPlan feature class, this feature class does not distinguish between different cycle amendment petitions and only reflects the most current water master plan designation.The water master plan geodatabase includes a feature data set (WaterMasterPlan) containing three feature classes: WCurMasterPlan, WaterCombined and WHisMasterPlan. The feature classes participate in a topology (tWaterMasterPlan). The WCurMasterPlan feature class represents the petitions for the current cycle. The WaterCombined represents the current master plan designation within the county. The WHisMasterPlan contains all of the petitions areas from all cycles. The geodatabase includes relationship classes that associate related table containing information on assessments, councilmanic districts, election districts, lineage (feature level metadata), plan map, recommendations and zoning designations.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: Baltimore County, Maryland Department of Public Works
Description: This geodatabase contains feature classes that represent the Master Sewer and Water Plan (WaterMasterPlan and SewerMasterPlan) service level designation as approved by the Maryland Department of the Environment and the amendment petitions (Sewer_MP_Petitions and Water_MP_Petitions) to the Master Sewer and Water Plans that have been introduced through cycle amendments within Baltimore County. The information contained in the geodatabase supports compliance with the Annotated Code of Maryland., Environment § 9-5 County Water and Sewerage Plans.The Master Sewer and Water Plan geodatabase includes two feature datasets: SewerMasterPlan and WaterMasterPlan. The SewerMasterPlan feature dataset contains two feature classes: SewerMasterPlan and Sewer_MP_Petitions and a topology, tSewerMasterPlan. The WaterMasterPlan feature dataset contains two feature classes: WaterMasterPlan and Water_MP_Petitions and a topology, tWaterMasterPlan.The Sewer_MP_Petition and Water_MP_Petitions feature classes represent the petitions received since the inception of the Sewer and Water Master Plan. The SewerMasterPlan and WaterMasterPlan feature classes represent the current master plan service level designation as approved by the Maryland Department of the Environment.