Description: This point dataset plots the geometric centers of over 100 types of assets in Baltimore County. Select fields from the attribute table are described below: Feature: This field describes the type of asset represented and is the feature class name listed in the County-provided data source file. Lowest_Adjacent_Grade: This field presents the lowest adjacent grade (feet NAVD 88) within 15 feet of the structure represented by the asset point.Distance_to_WSE: This field presents the linear distance in feet to the nearest water surface included in the FEMA SFHA. WSE_Elevation: This field represents the predicted surface elevation (feet NAVD 88) of the nearest water surface included in the FEMA SFHA. Bare_Earth_Elevation: This field represents the elevation of the asset point (feet NAVD 88) as determined using a 2014 Digital Elevation Model of Baltimore County (cell size equal to 2.5 ft by 2.5 ft). Flood_Zone: This field presents the DFIRM flood zone a particular asset falls within. If the asset is outside of the flood zone, the field is left blank.Responsible Entity: This field represents the entity responsible for the asset (county government, non-county government, or non-government).HAZUS Classification: This field describes the asset using its HAZUS classification (essential facility, general building stock, transportation system, or utility system).
Description: This point dataset plots the geometric centers of over 100 types of assets in Baltimore County. Select fields from the attribute table are described below: Feature: This field describes the type of asset represented and is the feature class name listed in the County-provided data source file. Responsible Entity: This field represents the entity responsible for the asset (county government, non-county government, or non-government).HAZUS Classification: This field describes the asset using its HAZUS classification (essential facility, general building stock, transportation system, or utility system).Cohort: This field describes the location of an asset as inland or coastal. Vulnerability: This field describes an asset's susceptibility to flooding based on its location and elevation. Criticality: This field represents an asset's relative criticality based on the FEMA HAZUS classification system (higher scores indicate more critical assets).Weighting Factor: This field identifies assets that have a need for occupancy during emergencies (higher values identify assets that have greater need for access during emergencies).Risk Rank: This field represents an asset's relative risk due to climate change and was calculated by multiplying the numeric vulnerability, criticality, and weighting factor fields.
Description: The Stormwater Network consists of 11 features classes with related drawing number tables. Feature classes include: inflow points, outfall points, network structures, general points, storm drain lines, underdrains, trench slotted drains, channel swales, outfall protections, stormwater management (SWM) ponds, and SWM drainage areas. The SWM pond points and the SWM drainage areas are managed by the Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability (EPS) while the remaining feature classes are managed by the Department of Public Works (DPW) with some overlap occurring in the outfall point feature class.
Description: The Stormwater Network consists of 11 features classes with related drawing number tables. Feature classes include: inflow points, outfall points, network structures, general points, storm drain lines, underdrains, trench slotted drains, channel swales, outfall protections, stormwater management (SWM) ponds, and SWM drainage areas. The SWM pond points and the SWM drainage areas are managed by the Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability (EPS) while the remaining feature classes are managed by the Department of Public Works (DPW) with some overlap occurring in the outfall point feature class.
Description: This feature class consists of roads that were identified as high-priority for climate adaptation in the 2021 Baltimore County Climate Action Plan. Road segments included in this feature class fall within the FEMA SFHA and may provide improved emergency response times throughout regions of Baltimore County if fortified against flooding. Each record includes the latitudes and longitudes of the road segment's endpoints. Some roads are divided into multiple segments; the "Total_Num_Sections" field presents the total number of road segments included in this dataset for a particular road. For roads with multiple segments, unique sections can be identified using the "Section_ID" field, which concatenates the "Road_Name" and the "Section_ID_Number".
Description: The Stormwater Network consists of 11 features classes with related drawing number tables. Feature classes include: inflow points, outfall points, network structures, general points, storm drain lines, underdrains, trench slotted drains, channel swales, outfall protections, stormwater management (SWM) ponds, and SWM drainage areas. The SWM pond points and the SWM drainage areas are managed by the Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability (EPS) while the remaining feature classes are managed by the Department of Public Works (DPW) with some overlap occurring in the outfall point feature class.
Description: The Stormwater Network consists of 11 features classes with related drawing number tables. Feature classes include: inflow points, outfall points, network structures, general points, storm drain lines, underdrains, trench slotted drains, channel swales, outfall protections, stormwater management (SWM) ponds, and SWM drainage areas. The SWM pond points and the SWM drainage areas are managed by the Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability (EPS) while the remaining feature classes are managed by the Department of Public Works (DPW) with some overlap occurring in the outfall point feature class.
Description: Street centerlines in Baltimore County were clipped to the continuous coastal land areas with elevations less than 2.6 ft NAVD 88, as identified using a 2014 Digital Elevation Model (cell size equal to 2.5 ft by 2.5 ft).
Description: Street centerlines in Baltimore County were clipped to the continuous coastal land areas with elevations less than 3.1 ft NAVD 88, as identified using a 2014 Digital Elevation Model (cell size equal to 2.5 ft by 2.5 ft).
Description: Street centerlines in Baltimore County were clipped to the continuous coastal land areas with elevations less than 4.2 ft NAVD 88, as identified using a 2014 Digital Elevation Model (cell size equal to 2.5 ft by 2.5 ft).
Description: Street centerlines in Baltimore County were clipped to the continuous coastal land areas with elevations less than 4.9 ft NAVD 88, as identified using a 2014 Digital Elevation Model (cell size equal to 2.5 ft by 2.5 ft).
Description: Street centerlines in Baltimore County were clipped to the continuous coastal land areas with elevations less than 5.2 ft NAVD 88, as identified using a 2014 Digital Elevation Model (cell size equal to 2.5 ft by 2.5 ft).
Description: Street centerlines in Baltimore County were clipped to the continuous coastal land areas with elevations less than 6.7 ft NAVD 88, as identified using a 2014 Digital Elevation Model (cell size equal to 2.5 ft by 2.5 ft).
Description: The Stormwater Network consists of 11 features classes with related drawing number tables. Feature classes include: inflow points, outfall points, network structures, general points, storm drain lines, underdrains, trench slotted drains, channel swales, outfall protections, stormwater management (SWM) ponds, and SWM drainage areas. The SWM pond points and the SWM drainage areas are managed by the Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability (EPS) while the remaining feature classes are managed by the Department of Public Works (DPW) with some overlap occurring in the outfall point feature class.
Description: A 2014 Digital Elevation Model (cell size equal to 2.5 ft by 2.5 ft) was used to identify continuous coastal land areas with elevations less than 2.4 ft NAVD 88.
Description: A 2014 Digital Elevation Model (cell size equal to 2.5 ft by 2.5 ft) was used to identify continuous coastal land areas with elevations less than 3.4 ft NAVD 88.
Description: In this feature class, the number of structures within a park parcel is given by four fields described below:Count_of_Buildings_In_Parcel: This field counts the total number of structures contained in a particular park parcel.Count_of_Buildings_Outside_FZ: This field counts the number of structures contained in a particular park parcel that do not fall within the 100-year or 500-year flood zones.Count_of_Buildings_in_500yr_FZ: This field counts the number of structures contained in a particular park parcel that also intersect flood zone X per the 2022 preliminary Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map.Count_of_Buildings_in_100yr_FZ: This field counts the number of structures contained in a particular park parcel that also intersect the FEMA special flood hazard area per the 2022 preliminary Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map.The building structures counted in this feature class include Residential, Commercial, Institutional, Garages, Other structures, Buildings under Construction, Water Towers, Storage Tanks, and Silos, as provided by Baltimore County.
Description: A 2014 Digital Elevation Model (cell size equal to 2.5 ft by 2.5 ft) was used to identify continuous coastal land areas with elevations less than 2.6 ft NAVD 88.
Description: A 2014 Digital Elevation Model (cell size equal to 2.5 ft by 2.5 ft) was used to identify continuous coastal land areas with elevations less than 3.1 ft NAVD 88.
Description: A 2014 Digital Elevation Model (cell size equal to 2.5 ft by 2.5 ft) was used to identify continuous coastal land areas with elevations less than 4.2 ft NAVD 88.
Description: A 2014 Digital Elevation Model (cell size equal to 2.5 ft by 2.5 ft) was used to identify continuous coastal land areas with elevations less than 4.9 ft NAVD 88.
Description: A 2014 Digital Elevation Model (cell size equal to 2.5 ft by 2.5 ft) was used to identify continuous coastal land areas with elevations less than 5.2 ft NAVD 88.
Description: A 2014 Digital Elevation Model (cell size equal to 2.5 ft by 2.5 ft) was used to identify continuous coastal land areas with elevations less than 6.7 ft NAVD 88.
Description: This feature class includes buildings that are located inside parks in Baltimore County and that also intersect the FEMA special flood hazard area per the 2022 preliminary Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map. Buildings that fall within flood zone X are in an alternate feature class.
Description: This feature class includes buildings that are located inside parks in Baltimore County and that also intersect flood zone X per the 2022 preliminary Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map. Buildings that fall within other flood zones are in an alternate feature class.
Description: The flow accumulation tool calculates the number of all cells flowing into each downslope cell in the output raster. A flow accumulation raster was generated in GIS for Baltimore County using a 2014 Digital Elevation Model (cell size equal to 2.5 ft by 2.5). To generate the shown flow accumulation lines, the flow accumulation raster was filtered to only include cells that receive flows from 500 or more other cells.
Description: The layers presents the predicted water surface elevation during a 1-percent-annual-chance flood (also referred to as a 100-year flood) in Baltimore County. This grid is derived from FEMA's Flood Risk Database.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: Baltimore County Coastal Depth Grids FEMA Map Service Center, 2020: Flood Risk Database-FRD_240010_Coastal_Geodatabase, 12/16/2014;
Description: The layers presents the predicted water surface elevation during a 1-percent-annual-chance flood (also referred to as a 100-year flood) in Baltimore County. This grid is derived from FEMA's Flood Risk Database.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: Baltimore County Preliminary Riverine Depth Grids
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Preliminary Digital Firm Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM): 8/12/2020.